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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dillard University FACULTY LECTURE SERIES: Faculty Learnng Communities

Dillard University Center for Teaching, Learning and Academic Technology (CTLAT)
Introduces a Lecture Series on Multi-Culturalism

Faculty Learning Communities: Creating, Connections Among Students, Faculty,
And Disciplines

Both in structure and focus, Faculty Learning Communities create a necessary construct for a cultural transformation of teaching and learning that invites all to achieve their intellectual and social potential.

We know that Faculty Learning Communities can provide a powerful means of serving an increasingly diverse student population. Faculty Learning community approaches, properly constituted, can readily address diverse learning styles. They can be used to dramatically increase student retention, especially among our most vulnerable student populations.

Finally, and most important, faculty learning communities face the challenge of purpose. Many learning communities begin in a flurry of enthusiasm without clear goals or planning. This is not a bad thing. It’s typical of innovations. But if the effort is to last and have a significant impact on an institution, the institution needs to come to a common understanding about why they are doing faculty learning communities and organize appropriately to support them.

To that end, we cordially invite faculty to come out and join a discussion surrounding formulating inter-disciplinary faculty learning communities that reflect our students, faculty and disciplines.
When: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Where: Kearny West
Lunch provided through the line
Look for future discussions from the following outstanding faculty:
Lovell Agwaramgbo
Julie Basu Ray
Steve Buddington
Hong Dai
Ray Vrazel

Further information please contact Drs. Steve Buddington and/or Eartha Lee Johnson;

Barbara M. Albert
Executive Assistant
Office of Academic Affairs
(504) 816-4216 (office)
(504) 816-4144 (fax)


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